Academic Publications
Published essays, interviews, and reviews about gender, sexuality, race and its representation in visual art.
Critiquing Masculinity: Transcultural Corporeality, Hindu Fundamentalism, Japanese Butoh, and Heiner Müller in Nalini Malani’s Hamletmachine.
Excerpt: This scholarly essay explores gender and nationality in Contemporary Indian artist Nalini Malani’s multi-media installation titled Hamletmachine (2000). The piece was produced in collaboration with Japanese Butoh dancer Harada Nobuo during a residency in Fukuoka, Japan in 1999. This layered piece involves three video projections depicting Japanese Butoh dancer Harada Nobuo transposed over images of riots and Hindu-led violence in India, and punctuated with audio quotations from German playwright Heiner Müller’s (1929-1995) play of the same name to critique the masculine-driven violence of Hindu fundamentalism in India. .
Feature: Is there such a thing as a Caribbean archive: Artist Roshini Kempadoo's Feminist Examination of History?
Excerpt: Can an archive be created through fictional narratives? Or is the archive itself a fictional narrative? Perhaps one can conceive of the archive as a problematic temporality that purports to be fact, claiming to have the authority of having once been. It is these challenges to the archive that London-based Trinidadian artist Roshini Kempadoo explores in her digital multimedia pieces. Working with the Trinidadian archive after the abolition of slavery through 1940, Kempadoo invents fictional narratives of an anonymous female plantation worker to insert into the official history of the Caribbean in order to illustrate the unrepresented Other in official documents.
Biography and selected works summary of contemporary artist Takashi Murakami for The Art Story Foundation
Excerpt: Known for his brightly colored and maniacally cheerful works, Takashi Murakami's astronomical rise to fame in the contemporary art world has been met with equal parts celebration and criticism. Murakami merges Japanese pop culture referents with the country's rich artistic legacy, effectively obliterating any distinction between commodity and high art. He is compared to Andy Warhol for his art-as-business approach, as well as for his large factories of workers who produce, market, and sell his art.
Biography and selected works summary of American photographer, Helen Levitt
Excerpt: Helen Levitt is known for her spontaneous photographs that blur the lines between the theatrical fantasy and the gritty reality of the working-class neighborhoods of New York City. A pioneer of Street Photography, Levitt's personal and humanizing approach transformed the conventions of the genre
Biography and selected works summary of American photographer, Garry Winogrand
Excerpt: Garry Winogrand's bizarre and visually compelling photographs of American life during the 1960s catapulted his status as one of the most influential photographers of the 20th century. Throwing away the established traditions of Street Photography set forth by his predecessors, his photographs often appear haphazard, tilted, and poorly composed - what came to be called the 'snapshot aesthetic'.
Os Gêmeos mural in Boston, MA
Os Gêmeos Exhibition Review, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston for Art Nexus
Excerpt: This exhibition of the Brazilian identical twins Otávio and Gustavo Pandolofo's first solo show in the United States ("gemêos means "twins" in Portuguese) showcases thirteen works and highlights the artist's injection of influences from New York graffiti and hip-hop into Brazilian culture and life, through large-scale, colorful canvases and wood panels.
Joan Mitchell, Lady Painter by Patricia Albers, for Women's Art Journal
Excerpt: In her comprehensive biography of Joan Mitchell (1926-92), Patricia Albers constructs a vivid and tragic account of this painter's life, loves, and most important, her struggle to be recognized as an Abstract Expressionist. The exhaustively researched account of Mitchell's life depicts her as a complex and troubled person, while not entirely likable, is certainly worth of respect.
2017 Dissertation: “Encounters in Excess: Transnational Feminisms in Contemporary Installation Art." Department of Art History. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.