NSFS: Not Safe for School is an irreverent newsletter offering a (mostly) self-aware approach to discussing and exploring how white supremacy has infiltrated our minds and institutions.
These posts experiment with humor, story-telling, and cultural criticism, I explore issues rooted in collective struggles for social justice, equity, and education. These essays take a broad view that includes many diversions into pop culture and self-deprecating callouts of white people's foolishness. As a result, I am not everyone’s cup of tea (sorry, fam).
NSFS: Not Safe for School has been around, across various newsletter platforms, since 2020 and currently lives on Substack .
Here is a link to an archive of newsletters (what they used to call a blog) if you’re interested in reading more.
What readers are saying…
“I love Not Safe for School’s voice. I love Harbin’s candidness and no bullshit approach— most of all, I love that Harbin calls herself out and therefore the rest of us.”
“Dr. Harbin’s rage, activism, and writing is IMPORTANT. I feel like a whistleblower too, and I refuse to back down from standing up for what is right. I can’t wait for her book on white saviors!”
“I laughed so hard at her descriptions of the “GWM” (Generic White Male), I spit my coffee out.”
Full archive of posts since 2020:

I come by my disdain honestly in a long tradition of southern writers who remain obsessed with the uneasy cultural quagmire of postbellum southern history.
This is why I love Black futurism, or Afrofuturism: It allows an honest inspection of the past in order to re-imagine the future. Afrofuturism evaluates the past and future to create better conditions for the present generation of Black people through the use of technology, art, music, and literature.
What the Republicans have used to fear-monger and rabble-rouse whites naturally signals what I’d like to take as a moment of hope for the U.S: the more we educate all people, most especially Black and peoples of color, the brighter our collective futures will be.
Making a student feel bad in class is no trivial matter. Research clearly shows that unless a student feels safe in a classroom environment, they will not be willing to take risks for fear of reprisal. If students don’t feel comfortable exploring ideas in class, cognition suffers. Which is to say, learning outcomes are diminished.
My attention escapes me again, how do these two white teachers know this? Is this story even real? They tell it with such relish, I somehow doubt the authenticity of the story. If it was real, this was not a funny story.
This subconscious terrorism of the mind that white supremacy perpetuates, and how it makes white people act foolish (aka racist). If you can’t first name the white supremacy lurking in your own mind, you aren’t going to be of much use in the revolution.
This GWM writes with a nostalgia for the charter school “reform coalition” movement that is as dangerous as it is factually incorrect (again, if only we actually taught CRT in schools).
I just couldn’t physically handle the burn-out anymore. I carried all my stress in my shoulders and neck which constantly ached. But more than that, I was exhausted. All of the time.
The brand new N.S.F.S segment Tales from the White Savior Crypt, featuring our favorite GWW and GWM of the week.
N.S.F.S takes on another GWM, the supreme court going apeshit, and the crises within the education system.
N.S.F.S talks about why the GWM is the Everyman and what that means and awards the worst GWM of the week.
Not Safe for School has some must-read-to- your-pro-choice-grandma prayers for all of us questioning the will of God. It's safe to say that if I were still teaching, this would probably be the reason I'd finally get fired.
N.S.F.S is back with a note on toxic masculinity in the wake of the Uvalde shooting and James Baldwin knowledge. While Baldwin doesn’t use that term per se, I think he would have found it a useful shorthand for how he describes the “American boy” in his essay “Nothing Personal.”
N.S.F.S. is back from the beyond with cautionary tales, blind fury at lawmakers, & a lot of the antibiotic cipro. This post is dedicated to the school shootings that I have zero faith will stop in this country, and to the toxic masculinity that defines American culture and America’s relationship with violence.
The leaked abortion opinion shows what we’ve been planning on for months, but is horrifying nonetheless f--cking horrifying.
I discuss James Baldwin’s words as a balm for writer’s burnout, what we do when we feel our activism has made no progress towards meaningful change, and worse, when things seem to be back sliding back into the racist and sexist dark ages.
Not Safe for School’s intern Abs (Abigail Wilson) takes the mic with a conversation about social-emotional learning and critical race theory, why Ron Desantis should never be president and the math problems that started it all. Includes teacher resources for SEL in the classroom including its benefits, and what teachers can do now to boost it.
Not only is the bill unconstitutional, but it has a direct impact on LGBTQ student safety and paves the way for every conservative lawmaker across the country to enforce similar legislation.
As I am writing this, Russian troops are on a long convoy headed towards Kyiv. I'm writing to extend my empathy to those in Soviet-ravaged and war-torn places. NSFS About the Russia-Ukraine Crisis, World Problems, and the Russian Warship.
I do and always have found it exhilarating to teach teenagers, which is why people's reactions surprised me. Their little hormone-filled minds are hilarious, engaged, and inquisitive. I talk about Bell Hooks' Teaching to Transgress and the white savior mindset of teachers. About Black culture, and Black love.
I do and always have found it exhilarating to teach teenagers, which is why people's reactions surprised me. Their little hormone-filled minds are hilarious, engaged, and inquisitive. I talk about Bell Hooks' Teaching to Transgress and the white savior mindset of teachers. About Black culture, and Black love.
Substitutes, like adjunct professors, are cheap and expendable labor. I talk about going bankrupt for one lost cause in education and jumping into the flames. About white saviors, corrupt urban charter schools, subbing, TTeju Cole, Emma Brown, and Soraya Chemlay.
“I spent most of my life trying to curtail my anger, my loudness, and most of all, the assertiveness with which I express myself.” Dr. Allison Harbin gives excerpts from a phone call with her landlord as a reflection on anger, and its use as an assertion of rights and worth as declared by Chemlay. In this Not Safe for School (NSFS) newsletter, she discusses expendable labor, adjuncts, and white saviorism.
I'm starting to think that rage may be our last hope for educational equity and reparations. About women's rage and neoliberalism. Dr. Allison Harbin wraps up her slum lord story and what it taught her about women's rage. She discusses rage being an avenue for educational equity.
You know when the odds are stacked against you when your rent-stabilized apartment is owned by one of the top 5 slumlords in NYC. Dr. Allison Harbin writes about the toxic mold that took over her NYC apartment, deregulation, and neoliberal ideology writ large.
There is no cure for white guilt and it doesn't benefit anyone, especially POC. Dr. Allison Harbin and her intern Abs (Abigail Wilson) outline a three-step process to becoming a better white guy based on Bo Burnam's 'Comedy,' sharing “Be a Better Ally.”
Why are white people so goddamn uncomfortable when it comes to conversations about racism? Dr. Allison Harbin's intern Abs talks about Bo Burnam's conversation with anti-racist Marxist Socko in relation to bias and the importance of open conversation.
Why there are so many ignorant-ass trolls in the world: because we made them. Dr. Allison Harbin writes about the conservative trolls flocking to the interview she had with author Jessie Daniels after an article in a conservative “newspaper” came out about it.
Sometimes, you just gotta clap back (literally). Dr. Allison Harbin writes about Black feminism, analysis, women's bodies, and Megan Thee Stallions "Thot $hit." On reclaiming your narrative and identity.