Allison Harbin, PhD

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Reading Section: Review Tips for Slackers to Hardcore Nerds

Hi muffins!

Here is this week’s SAT study packet. This week we will cover the reading section. The attached PDFS come from this book, SAT Prep Black Book: 2nd Edition, which I found after obsessively researching the best study book. I then proceeded to rip out every page of it, and re-arrange it into manageable sections for y’all!

Slacker Level: 15 Minute Review

Read this short packet “SAT Reading Section Quick Review.” It introduces what the section is, and important aspects about how to do well on it.

And watch this nerdy white man video about the reading section:

Chill but Serious Level: 45 min- 1+ Hour Review:

a.) If you really want to internalize the info: as you read “SAT Reading Section and Quick Review,” take notes on the most important take aways in a notebook that you can review the night before the test!

b) In addition to reading the first packet, also read and take notes on this packet, which explains things in more detail: “Reading Section Training and Walkthrough.”

Hardcore Nerd Level: 2+ Hour Review:

In addition to the above 2 steps, also read a detailed Walkthrough of a Reading Section, taking notes on the information that you didn’t know before you read it, again in the same SAT notebook that you can use to review the night before.

Note about “Walkthroughs” —> in this book, the author goes through an old reading section and fully explains the answers, and this has been wildly successful (which is why the book is so highly rated).

Good luck Muffins!

-Dr. Harbin

p.s. here are some Youtube videos that I think are helpful when discussing the SAT Reading Section!